
08/10/2019 - World Beer October 2020

World Beer October 2020

Media Release

from Plato Logic Limited, October 8th 2020

Beer market specialists Plato Logic are currently projecting a -7.0% decline for the World Beer Market in 2020.


Commenting on the latest projections Ian Pressnell, Director of Plato Logic noted: “With around one-third of all beer consumed in the on-trade, the market has a particularly high exposure in the current crisis; volume migration to the off-trade can only compensate so far.”


Plato Logic expect the market to recover to 2019 levels in 2022, but underlying growth is unlikely to be recovered before 2025. In effect this would mean a cumulative loss of around 480 million hectolitres over the next 5 years, equivalent to around $US 45bn lost revenue over this period.

World Beer market: impact of Covid-19, control scenario, volume loss against ‘underlying growth’ (‘000 HL)



Source: Plato Logic Limited, October 2020

The following table summarises Plato Logic’s actual and projected volume growth by region for the World beer market in 2019, 2020F and 2021F:





















Total World




In 2019, Mexico overtook Germany to become the fourth largest beer market by volume, and Vietnam overtook the UK to reach eighth place.

Plato Logic’s latest World Beer Report also highlights a number of key industry metrics, including:

  • Total industry value, measured as ‘net ex-brewery’ reached $US 185bn in 2019
  • The total premium sector reached 365mhl in 2019 (18.4% share of global beer consumption), with annual growth of +3.8%.
  • Cans were again the fastest growing packaging format in 2019 – indeed the only format showing any significant growth over the last five years. The volume of beer in cans has now reached 30% of consumption.

Plato Logic latest Top 10 World Brewers league table (based pro forma 2019 volumes):

World’s Leading Brewers, pro forma 2019, million hl

Source: Plato Logic Limited, October 2020.

Notes to chart: 2019 volumes adjusted for disposal of CUB business by A-B InBev to Asahi. All adjustments relating to SABMiller transaction reflected full year. [Some deals may be pending regulatory approval.]


Plato Logic’s latest annual “World Beer Report” was published 7th October and contains 2020 and 2021 projections for all world beer markets. Published every year since 1994, the Plato Logic “World Beer Report” is a standard source of reference used throughout the international brewing and allied industries. For further information please visit,, or email


About Plato Logic Limited: Established in 1992, Plato Logic Limited is a leading specialist supplier of beer market intelligence. We provide a comprehensive range of international beer industry data: for more information please visit our website,


October, 2020                                                  ENDS


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