Beer Market Data from Beer Market Specialists. Sounds Logical.
The world of market intelligence isn’t just about number crunching. It is all about understanding the numbers and how they stack up to provide the most accurate picture of the current market situation in the beer industry.
Ian Pressnell, Director of Plato Logic understands that consistent methodology, combined with looking more deeply into the data, are the most effective ways to achieve more accurate figures.
"If you construct a league table by using numbers that have been prepared according to different principles, then you do not achieve comparability. Consistency is the key to comparability and by using consistent methodology we are able to source and present accurate market intelligence," commented Ian Pressnell.
With many conflicting figures published in various reports and across a broad range of media, it is understandable why companies in need of accurate data are often left in a state of confusion.
Ian Pressnell continued: "As beer market specialists Plato Logic understand the complexities of the information we research. We then carefully and critically assemble it in order to provide the most accurate, current picture of the industry. We don’t just take the figures from company reports, we look behind those figures and find out what is actually happening within a particular company by doing thorough analysis. For example by taking into account the time in the fiscal year when a company is acquired."
Nicola Pressnell, Plato Logic’s Operation’s Director, commented: "We are beer market specialists, that is all we focus on. We don’t do dog food or toothpaste - just beer. By focusing on one primary market we have become experts in the international beer industry. We gather our information through a trusted group of industry contacts and directly from the leading companies, as well as through a wide range of other sources."
Plato Logic keeps up to date with all the mergers and acquisitions and the fact that the top ten brewers can change on a weekly basis. The Plato Logic team has thirty years of experience and they know exactly where to look for the information and how to present it in a comprehensive and informative way. The company’s 76 country reports and 3 global reports include more than 100,000 unique data points – all carefully researched and cross checked for accuracy, with in-house analysis ensuring common methodology.
Plato Logic’s reports are very well respected throughout the industry and are also used by a range of financial institutions and agencies acting in an advisory capacity.
January 2004
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